Chenango County Democratic Committee endorses Wentworth for DA
CHENANGO COUNTY – The Chenango County Democratic Committee is endorsing Zachary Wentworth for the position of Chenango County District Attorney.
Patrick McNeil, Chairman of the committee, said, “We are very pleased about not only this announcement, but this choice.”
McNeil said the endorsement results from a unanimous vote by members of the Democratic Committee.
“Wentworth has a commitment to hard work, and has shown that he is providing a choice,” said McNeil.
Wentworth is currently running for DA as a Republican.
“While cross-endorsement among parties is rare, we have now provided a unique opportunity to guarantee residents a race all the way to November,” said McNeil. “Wentworth may win the Republican primary, but if it turns out that he does not, it is important to give all voters of Chenango County a voice by vote.”