Community member and OPD reverse overdose
OXFORD – Four doses of the opioid antidote Narcan were needed to revive an Oxford resident late last week.
The Oxford Police Department (OPD) responded to a report of a possible overdose occurring in Oxford. Upon arrival, authorities said a citizen had already administered a preliminary dose of Narcan.
Members of the OPD administered an additional three doses to the individual until the subject was successfully revived.
"We commend the citizen who took steps to become trained in Narcan and acquire a Narcan kit at a community training previously sponsored by our agency and provided by the Southern Tier AIDS Program in January," said OPD Chief Richard Nolan. "The citizen took immediate action and in effect, allowed for a life to be saved."
"This is exactly why we decided to sponsor a community Narcan training with the help of TruthPharm," said Nolan. "We are facing an epidemic and seconds to a minute can determine whether the life of another mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, or friend in our community is lost. Addiction has no bounds and we need to take strong action n both prevention and response to the epidemic faced by our communities. Studies have shown that by promoting greater access to Narcan amongst the public, the rate of overdose deaths can be significantly reduced."