A crime in rhyme
Ideas breed like bunnies, and
There really are a lot
From which to pick as I prepare
An outline for my plot:
A big financial Guru
With a fat and dowdy wife
Considers all his options
And decides to end her life.
He’ll swap her for a trophy wife
With luscious, pouty lips.
Just thinking of her on his arm
His heart does double flips.
Or I can write about a Dad
And mom who struggled long
To raise a most beloved child
Who nonetheless goes wrong.
A nasty, rotten piece of work
Addicted to all drugs,
He murders both his parents with
The help of local thugs.
A more enticing crime would have
A smidgen of romance.
Perhaps about a heiress who’s
Invited to a dance.
A handsome scheming psychopath
Malevolent since birth
Intends to woo and wed her for
Her very high net worth.
And after having frolicked in
Their honeymooning bed.
To transfer all her money, and
Then thwack her on the head.
Or there’s the nightclub owner with
A calculating eye.
Perhaps he’s planning how his business
Partner’s going to die.
Because the partner expertly
(He always had been brash)
Has been, for over three years now,
Purloining all the cash!
But…readers might be bored without
A love affair or two
So theft, though deft and criminal
Will not entirely do.
I must engage, entice, amuse,
My mystery must “play fair”
With guys and gals so likeable
If they should die, we’d care…
I must create a story, and
I must devise a plot,
A character must suffocate,
Be bludgeoned, or be shot.
Regardless of the circumstance,
In wind, or sun, or hail.
Clues must be found and followed, my
Detective cannot fail.
So that’s my task: To wield a pen
And exercise my skills.
To write an entertaining book,
That charms, intrigues, and thrills.
We want our noble hero to
Arrest and apprehend
The evil-hearted villain, and
Serve justice in the end!!!
Shelly Reuben has been nominated for Edgar, Prometheus, and Falcon awards.. For more about her books, visit www.shellyreuben.com.
Copyright © Shelly Reuben, 2016