Tenney requests compensation for those affected by 2014 Lake Ontario flooding
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, June 26, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) requested language in the State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations bill that would require the International Joint Commission (IJC) to use a portion of its funds to compensate shoreline property owners for the disproportionate damages caused by Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Plan (Plan 2014).
In 2016, the Obama Administration approved Plan 2014, which has been a major contributor in increasing the frequency of raising and lowering the water levels in Lake Ontario. The fluctuation in water levels has increased erosion damage to the Lake’s south shoreline including the lakeshore properties of businesses and homeowners.
According to the IJC’s own studies, this plan would raise water levels by a maximum of 2.4 inches, therefore increasing the annual cost of shoreline maintenance and protections by 13 percent.