Norwich valedictorian and salutatorian discuss district's needs at board meeting

Frank Speziale photo

NORWICH – Before the Norwich High School valedictorian and salutatorian delivered their remarks at graduation on Saturday, the two addressed the board of education to offer praises for the district that raised them and shed light on where it could improve at its regular meeting last Wednesday.

NHS valedictorian Wesley Mills – who is slated to enter the Air Force ROTC to study aerospace engineering at Georgia Tech. – and salutatorian Ellie O'Neill – who will study biochemistry at the University of Rochester with a goal of pre-med – each thanked the district's teachers, administrators, coaches, and leaders for helping educate themselves before turning their focus to advocate for students whose lives have not been so nurtured.

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"I have made memories that I will forever cherish ..." Mills said. "With that said, my experience was not the same as every other student's."

Mills went on to say that while he and O'Neill are fortunate enough to be academically gifted, other students in the district could use more academic and support resources to help them succeed.

"Many of our students require special attention in regards to both academics and counseling, and this we can't ignore," Mills said.


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