Towns: Traffic Diversion Program causes revenue to come up short
CHENANGO COUNTY – Some town supervisors are calling for changes to Chenango County’s Traffic Diversion Program, arguing that the program is benefiting the county while taking revenue away from towns.
Last week, Afton Supervisor John Lawrence and Guilford Supervisor George Seneck appeared before the County Safety and Rules Committee seeking a motion to fund their courts to help pay the county-mandated Traffic Diversion Program.
The Traffic Diversion Program, administered by the District Attorney’s Office, allows motorists with minor vehicle and traffic offenses to take a state approved traffic safety course in lieu of a conviction for their offense. Drivers who finish the program have their tickets dismissed without a fine or surcharge, but still pay a program application fee of $200 to $300 depending on the offense.
The county board of supervisors adopted the idea by resolution last year and, so far, it’s been great for motorists and great for the county, said Lawrence. But towns, especially those with a large number of traffic offenses, are losing out.
“Every supervisor was interested in the revenue that the town was going to generate through this program. It looked like a win-win situation,” said Lawrence, acknowledging that while it's not the intent to make a profit from the court, money coming in is certainly a help. “As it turned out, it is not a win-win. It is a win for the county, and I don’t begrudge that … But I am saying it has not been a win for the towns.”