American Legion news from Greene
GREENE – Happy New Year to all readers. The Greene Legion Post will have its first meeting of the year on Monday, Jan. 7, at our home at 7 South Canal Street. All who have served honorably in the armed forces are welcomed. Officially only those who served in congressional designated
War years can join, but the Greene Post still encourages all to join with us. If you know that a local vet has died, we have a group of Greene post members who show up to express our gratitude, etc for the person’s service at the calling hours. The post does this without fanfare all the time. If you have a question about the post, donations, activities, and or want to buy items (flags-grave markers, branch cups,etc). Please call us at 607-431-8286 or drop a note at our PO Box 149 Greene, NY 13778. Also please put tattered flags in the lectern we have on the South Canal Street entrance to the Greene library. Please remember the following dates: Jan 2., staff meeting at 6 p.m.; Jan. 7, monthly post meeting at 6 p.m.; and by checking with the web page.