Veterans Day and Quilts of Honor Presentation at Post 376
(Photo by Jeanie Petersen)
OXFORD – At the traditional “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”, a Veterans Day observance was held at Fort Hill American Legion Post #376.
Speeches reflected on the service and sacrifice of members of the Nation’s armed forces. The event had an honorable service prayer, a special guest singer, ceremony, rifle salute, “Taps,” and light refreshments. Surprise quilt presentations were a major highlight.
Veterans Day has stood as an opportunity to pause and honor American veterans of all wars – and thus a day very close to The American Legion's heart and mission.
Two guests made the ceremony more special. Student, Natalie Barrows set the patriotic mood leading a sing-a-long of "America the Beautiful" and the Star Spangled Banner. Brenda Crandall, of One Stitch at a Time, presented six honorary quilts to WWII and Korean Conflict veterans of Post 376; part of the Quilts of Honor Program, at the Veterans Day gathering.