Moore Memorial Library extends Summer Reading Program activities

GREENE – Moore Memorial Library in Greene has been serving our community since 1904.

The building was built with the generous support of Rachael and Nathaniel Moore and their family. The stately building has been serving as our local library since that time.

Moore Memorial Library provides current popular materials for all ages, purchases current reference and circulating materials to respond to the informational needs of our citizens, and provides democratic access to important resources and technology in our community.

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One of the most rewarding activities the library offers is the summer reading program. A recent American Library Association study validates the benefits of Summer Reading Programs. These programs encourage children and families to become lifelong readers, encourage reluctant readers to be drawn in by the program activities, helps school-age children to keep up their skills over the summer, and supports community engagement that generates interest in the library and its resources.

Traditionally, our library has offered Summer Reading Program activities throughout the month of July. As a library director, I have always felt a bit of a let down in August when the program ends. This year, however, we are please to announce that the library has scheduled family-friendly program activities through Labor Day.

At 7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 4 at the Department of Environmental Conservation will present, “Why give your dump a healthy diet?”

At 7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 11, we are hosting an outdoor concert featuring Chenango Brass.

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From 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 18, bring a blanket and the family for a night under the stars with Renaissance Jazz. The Smoke-Out BBQ truck will be available during the concert.

At 6:30 p.m., on Wednesday, Aug. 25, we welcome the group Partying Parrots and Pals. After meeting with the animals, please join our 7 p.m. educational program.

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 4, join us for our third annual Chalk the Walk.

Just show up for this family-friendly Saturday morning event. We will also be having a huge book blow-out during the event. Our Historical Society Museum may also be open, watch our Facebook page for updates and if you haven’t yet, please like us on Facebook.

Gary Quarella, Library Director

Moore Memorial Library


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