County Health Dept. warns of Delta Variant in community

CHENANGO – The spread of the super-contagious Delta Variant has prompted new restrictions around the world and started some new warnings from Public Health officials.

There are many strains of the virus circulating at any given time. Delta is one of several variants of concern. It is more aggressive and much more easily transmitted than previously circulating strains. According to the CDC, the variant is now responsible for more than 80 percent of infections in the United States, largely among unvaccinated people.

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Not all virus specimens are tested for the Delta Variant. This type of specialized testing is not done routinely by the laboratory. We have not had a positive confirmation of Delta Variant at this time but that does not mean it is not here. We do suspect that this type of variant is active in our community but not yet laboratory confirmed. The public will be notified once we know more.

Now is a window of opportunity to get vaccinated before we confirm the Delta Variant is in our community. It is a critical time to consider getting vaccinated. The good news is that the vaccines continue to provide strong protection against COVID-19, including the Delta Variant. If you are not vaccinated, you are at risk for illness and possible death. 99.7 percent of new COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated people.

The most important thing is to stay safe and stay healthy. and get vaccinated today.

For a list of our clinics please visit our vaccine page:

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For more information and guidance please visit: or

–From the Chenango County Department of Public Health


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