Sherburne Public Library News
Visitors line up at the Sherburne Library’s “Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundaes,” event. (Photo from the Sherburne Library)
SHERBURNE – Sherburne Public Library has wrapped up their 2021 Summer Reading Program: Tails & Tales, for this year.
About 114 people registered for the program, 648 books were read by the 7 and under category, 77,105 pages were read by those in the 8 years to adult category and a total of 677 people attended the 20-plus events throughout the month of July.
At the awards celebration, the children’s theater group performed, many people played a life size version of the Hungry, Hungry Hippos game, prizes were awarded to those who read the most and attended the most events and Make-Your-Own Ice Cream Sundaes were enjoyed.
Looking ahead to the fall, Story Time with Mr. Mike continues on Thursdays at 10:30. Join him for a story, a craft and lots of movement and music.
Sherburne Public Library maintains a high social media presence. Please visit our Facebook page for our recorded Book Talks, Story Time, Cooking, and Crafts videos. It is the place to find all the latest happenings at the library. We also have a website where our monthly calendar and other information about the library can be found.
Remember that our beautiful old front stair entrance is our only entrance for now until the newer entrance is fixed after the April accident where someone drove into our building.
If the stairs are too much for you, we are more than happy to meet you at the bottom with books or other materials. Just give us a call at 607-674-4242.
The Book Drop is at the bottom of the stairs for your convenience.
Our hours remain M, T, Th, F 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Look for the open or closed sign in the front door window.
Come see us at the Sherburne Public Library!
By Colleen Law-Tefft, Library Manager