Friends of Rogers Wild Goose Chase 5K results

Wild Goose Chase 2021 Medal Winners from left to right: Simon Solomon, Executive Director, Andrea Merrell 1st place Female 18-98, Mark Merrell 1st place Male 18-98, Chris Babcock 2nd place Male 18-98, Rebecca Hargrave 2nd place Female 18-98, Crystal Mumbulo 3rd place Female 18-98, Michael Ford 3rd place Male 18-98, Katie McLaughlin, Educator as the Canada Goose. (Submitted photo)

SHERBURNE – The 6th annual Friends of Rogers Wild Goose Chase 5k Trail Run/Walk was held at Rogers Center this year on Saturday, September 18.

The Wild Goose Chase Participants braved the trails and mosquitos on a beautiful day at Rogers Center.

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The medal winners are as follows: Male 18-98 years old :1st place: Mark Merrell, age 32, time 29:16.5; 2nd place: Chris Babcock, age 48, time 29:18.5; 3rd place: Michael Ford, age 58, time 33:13.8. Female 18-98 years old: 1st place: Andrea Merrell, age 33, time 30:06.7, 2nd place: Rebecca Hargrave, age 43, time 33:24.0, 3rd place: Crystal Mumbulo, age 34, time 40:45.2. Male 7-17 years old: 1st place: Josh Larchar, age 17, time 24:16.9, 2nd place: Clark Vischi, age 13, time 35:37.2, 3rd place: Isaac Larchar, age 11, time 35:40.2. Female 7-17 years old: 1st place: Lydia Larchar, age 13, time 31:06.7, 2nd place: Tala Moutarde, age 7, time 36:43.1, 3rd place: Zahra Moutarde, age 9, time 40:45.2. Congratulations to all the winners and finishers!

Thank you for your support of Rogers Center and we hope to see you next year for the 7th Annual Wild Goose Chase 5k.

Rogers Center is operated by Friends of Rogers Environmental Education Center, Inc., a nonprofit organization that offers educational programs for people of all ages. Currently the trails are open dawn to dusk daily, and the restrooms are open daily 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Visitor Center remains temporarily closed at this time.

- From the Friends of Rogers


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