Parade of Lights to return in November
Chobani doing their case giveaway during the 2018 Parade of Lights. This year, Chobani will be holding a case giveaway once again, on the East Park stage after the parade, as well as providing sponsorship for the event. (Photo by Frank Speziale)
NORWICH — Several seasonal events are making a comeback this year. After a year off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Parade of Lights is back on track for 2021, and is set to take place at 6 p.m. on Saturday, November 27.
"There's going to be a Parade of Lights this year, how exciting is that?" said Mindy Chawgo, Norwich B.I.D. Executive Committee member. "There was not one last year. It takes a full year to plan, so I'm really pulling this out of my back pocket."
Chawgo explained how important local events like the Parade of Lights are to the community, and how that fueled her drive to revive the parade.
"I think we're gonna pull it off this year and make it spectacular because people need it. I think it's important, I think we need to feel this community thrive again," she said. "It's so hard being downtown and not seeing people walk the streets, or having people say they're going to Norwich for something."
The torch has been passed to the Norwich B.I.D., who will now plan and run the event, and sponsorship for this year's parade will be provided by Chobani.