Chenango County Library News: The Oxford Memorial Library

OXFORD – The Oxford Memorial Library is getting in full swing for the Holidays.

Now is the time to check your closets for those lost library books. For every overdue library book you bring back along with a non-perishable food item we will waive your fine on that overdues item (the book must be returned). So, between now and Saturday, December 11 bring All donated food items will go to our local food pantry to help local families in need.

Our Blink Charging Station is up and operating.

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The station has two hook-ups to charge your electric car. The station is located at the far end of our parking lot next to the end of the Solar Panels. The charging station is solar powered. This service is free. We were able to attain this through a NYSERDA Grant.

There was a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for our Barn Quilt Craft workshop that we held on Saturday, November 6. There have been several requests for another one, even, so marker your calendars for Friday, December 3 at 3 p.m. Be sure to check out our webpage or Face Book page for more information about this Barn Quilt craft.

Do you have young children? Bring them to our Tuesday afternoon story time at 3 p.m. for fun stories and activities.

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Our next Family Game Night will be Thursday, November 18, 5:30-8:00pm. Game night is held in our community room. We have lots of games to choose from but feel free to bring your own favorites. We have nice big tables for game playing.

We are pleased to announce that we are starting a Book Club. The first meeting will be Friday, November 19 at 3 p.m. Join us for the first meeting of the Oxford Memorial Library’s Adult Book Club. We will be discussing what kind of book club we would like to have, and how we would like to go about running it. We want your input! Bring a book to share that you would highly recommend for others to read. Goodies will be available!

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We are always getting in a new supply of best sellers and new books for your reading pleasure. We have a great selection of Juvenile picture books, easy readers, chapter books and non-fiction. We also have a great collection of Young Adult books. We also have books on CD and DVDs as well.

Overdrive is now accessible with a Libby app! With your library card you can borrow magazines, e-books and audio books, all in one app through Libby.

Be sure to check out our webpage for events and a list of new books. Don’t forget to also check us out on Face Book. Oxford-Memorial-Library-and-Youth-Services.

The next board meeting of the Oxford Memorial Library will be Thursday, December 9 at 7 p.m.

– From Nancy Wilcox, Director Oxford Memorial Library


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