What's New and Happening: Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce

CHENANGO COUNTY – The last General Membership Meeting was held Tuesday, November 16 at 7:30 a.m. at the back of Bob's Diner. To view the meeting minutes from our last meeting visit www.bainbridgecofc.com. Your input is welcome and greatly appreciated.

Apply Now for the Pandemic Response and Safety Grant Program

USDA is currently accepting applications for the Pandemic Response and Safety (PRS) Grant Program. Applications must be submitted electronically through  the grant portal  at  https://usda-prs.grantsolutions.gov/usda  by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Monday, November 22, 2021.

Approximately $650 million in funding is available for the PRS grants.

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Small businesses and nonprofits in the following industries can apply for a grant to cover COVID-related expenses, such as workplace safety measures (e.g., personal protective equipment (PPE), retrofitting facilities for worker and consumer safety, shifting to online sales platforms, transportation, worker housing, and medical costs: Specialty crop producers, Shellfish farming, fin fish farming, aquaculture, apiculture, Specialty crop, meat, and other processors Distributors, Farmers' markets.

Contact information for providers offering technical assistance on this grant application is available on the AMS PRS grant webpage under ‘Additional Resources’: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/prs.

Commerce Chenango

What Employers Need to Know About Vaccination Mandates: Join us on December 7, 2021, for a Lunch and Learn from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Angelo D. Catalano, partner with Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP will be our guest speaker.  Watch for more details coming soon.

COVID updates

New York State Coronavirus Hotline:    Call 1-888-364-3065

COVID-19 Testing Sites: A.O. Fox Hospital – Tri-Town Campus  Emergency room ·

43 Pearl St W · (607) 563-7080. Appointment required. Referral required. Testing for all patients.

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Bassett Health Center SidneyPearl Street: Family practice physician, 39 Pearl St W · (607) 561-2021. Appointment required. Referral required. Tests limited to certain patients

Bartles Pharmacy Inc: Pharmacy · Oxford, NY · (607) 843-2841. Appointment required. Referral not required. Testing for all patients. Drive-through.

For Additional Testing Facilities Visit  www.hhs.gov

COVID-19 vaccine schedule an appointment

The Chenango County Health Department now has COVID-19 vaccinations in our clinics! Make an appointment today by calling 607-337-1660.

You can also check with your health care provider and the local pharmacy websites to locate other vaccination clinics with available appointments.

COVID-19 vaccine transportation offered

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Rural Health Network  of South Central New York's mobility management program,  Getthere, can provide rides to vaccinations. Please contact  Getthere  if you, a loved one, or a client living in Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, or Tioga counties are unable to get to a COVID-19 vaccination site.


The Call Center can be reached at (855) 373-4040 Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. A Mobility and Transportation Advocate will help schedule a safe, secure ride. No referral is needed.


Getthere  is a mobility management program of the Rural Health Network of South Central New York serving Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, and Tioga counties.

Important information:

The American Red Cross is Seeking Volunteers. There is a need for more volunteers to help with disaster relief. Please consider becoming a part of the Disaster Services Team. For more information, contact Red Cross' Volunteer Recruitment Specialist, Tylar Henson @ 607-223-9935.

Bainbridge Community Center, 3 Prospect Street:

Things are coming along at the Community Center: The building has been graded, insulation has been installed, plumbing has been installed and the concrete floors are completed. We now need skilled volunteers that can help with the finishing work on the inside. If you are able to help out, please contact Matt Germond - mgermonddc@yahoo.com.

Bainbridge Food Pantry: Serving those families in need primarily from the BG school district but will also assist those in nearby areas where no other food pantry is in place. Open Monday and Thursday 8-10 a.m. Located at the United Methodist Church, 27 N. Main Street, Bainbridge. Enter from the parking lot at the back of the church. Also open for EMERGENCIES ONLY by calling 607-967-7383.

Bainbridge Soup Kitchen, located at the United Methodist Church - lunch served Saturdays 1 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. All meals are served take out and curbside until further notice. No reservations are required.

Office of Mental Health Emotional Support Helpline:  Call 1-844-863-9314 - 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week

The United Presbyterian Church of East Guilford has a  Blessing Box  which is regularly filled with non-perishable food, fresh fruit and veggies, and personal hygiene items for those in need. It is available 24/7 at a drive-up location in the parking lot of the church. Please take only what you need today and leave what you can for others in need. It is requested that the donations left in the box are food/hygiene items; no household goods please. 

Respectfully Submitted by,

Christine Smith,

Bainbridge Secretary




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