Nov. 20 begins regular deer and bear hunting for local area
Regular firearms season for deer and bear in the area begins on Saturday, Nov. 20 and goes until Dec. 12. Hunters are reminded to follow the basic rules of firearm safety: 1: Point your gun in a safe direction; 2: Treat every gun as if it were loaded; 3: Be sure of your target and beyond; and 4: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. (Graphic from the NY DEC)
NEW YORK – The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos announced that regular firearms season for deer and bear in the Southern Zone begins on Saturday, Nov. 20.
Chenango County is located within the state's most popular hunting zone and along with the dates the DEC also announced new rules for the 2021 hunting season, including a requirement to wear fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink clothing.
The DEC encourages hunters to review new safety regulations and changes this season that will enhance their hunting experience.
"New York's hunters are among the state's most important conservationists," Commissioner Seggos said. "Hunters help to balance deer and bear populations with local habitats and land uses while providing more than 11 million pounds of quality, locally grown, organic meat to sustain families. With more opportunities to venture afield this season, I encourage New Yorkers to continue practicing the key tenets of hunter safety for a safe and enjoyable time outdoors."
The Southern Zone regular hunting season, which runs until Dec. 12, is New York's most popular hunting season, and approximately 85 percent of New York's 550,000 licensed hunters participate.
Harvest during this season accounts for nearly 60 percent of the total statewide deer harvest and 30 to 60 percent of the statewide bear harvest.
Following the regular deer and bear seasons in the Southern Zone, late bowhunting and muzzleloading seasons run from Dec. 13 through Dec. 21, and again from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, the latter of which is an extension from past years. Hunters taking part in these special seasons must possess a hunting license and either bowhunting or muzzleloading privileges.
In the Northern Zone, the regular deer and bear hunting season opened Oct. 23 and closes on Dec. 5. The Northern Zone includes the Adirondacks, Tug Hill Plateau, Eastern Lake Ontario Plain, and the Champlain and St. Lawrence valleys.
New Opportunities, longer hours, new dress code
New this year, 12- and 13-year-old hunters can hunt deer with a firearm when accompanied by a licensed, experienced adult in counties that 'opted in' to the pilot program.
Established by the New York State Legislature through 2023, this pilot program applies only to upstate counties that choose to participate. The program does not apply to Westchester or Suffolk counties; Erie and Rockland counties did not opt in to participate. The remaining 52 upstate counties opted in.
Also new, DEC extended the daily hunting hours to run from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset, allowing hunters to utilize the full daylight period. Hunters should check the sunrise and sunset times before hunting each day.
All hunters pursuing deer or bear with a firearm are now required to wear fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink clothing, either a hat, vest, or jacket visible in all directions. New York hunters have an excellent safety record, but this change will make hunting even safer.
Four golden rules of firearm saftey
Hunters are reminded to follow the basic rules of firearm safety:
1. Point your gun in a safe direction;
2. Treat every gun as if it were loaded;
3. Be sure of your target and beyond; and
4. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
When hunting in tree stands, hunters are advised to use a safety harness and a climbing belt, as most tree stand accidents occur when hunters are climbing in and out of the stand. Also, hunters should never climb in or out of a tree stand with a loaded firearm.
-From the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation