Youth Bureau winter program registration this Wednesday

NORWICH — The City of Norwich Youth Bureau is holding a registration night for their winter programs at 6:30 p.m. this Wednesday, December 1, at City Hall, located at One City Plaza.

The programs being offered are junior wrestling, pre-season softball and baseball, winter cheerleading, bowling, and a Winter Fun Club.

"Winter Fun Club is going to be similar to what we did in the summer," said Youth Bureau Director Anthony Testani. "We're going to have an after school program, and hopefully for kids K through sixth grade. It'll be just kind of like an arts and crafts type activity."

All Youth Bureau winter programs are free and available to City of Norwich residents, as well as residents of neighboring communities.

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"Our programs are offered to all city residents. City of Norwich, and then we contract with the Town of Norwich, North Norwich, Plymouth and Preston, and Pharsalia," Testani explained. "But we won't turn kids away. If anybody's in the outlying towns that want to participate in one of the programs, it's available to them."

In addition to the registration night, registration forms can also be found online on the City of Norwich web page,, and physical copies are available at City Hall outside of the Youth Bureau office. Completed forms should be returned to City Hall.

Programs are scheduled to begin the first week of January 2022.


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