Norwich Pee-Wee competes in BGA Bears Tournament

The Norwich Pee-Wee wrestlers pose for a photo following the B-G Youth Tournament.(Submitted Photo) Standing back row from left to right are:  Coach Matt Telesky, Drew Telesky (1st place 11&12 and 1st place 13&14), Lucas Button (1st place), Liam Pohli (3rd place), Cameron Rowe (1st place), Blake Hubbard (3rd place), William Pepe (4th place), Bryson Miller (1st place), Brently Gray (1st place), and Coach David Schuster.  Kneeling in the second row from left to right are Bennett Black (3rd place 7&8 and 5th place 9&10), Connor Alger (1st place), Hayley Edwards (2nd place), Gavin Portelli (2nd place), Bowen Durgala (1st place), Kamden Redenback (1st place), Bryson Gray (2nd place), and Cole Alger (3rd place).  Missing from picture who also competed are Declan Noxon (2nd place), Elliot Bankus (3rd place), Wyatt Wildenstein (2nd place), Joey Parker (3rd place), and Dawson Russell (3rd place).

BAINBRIDGE – On Saturday, February 18, the Norwich Pee Wee Wrestling program competed in the BGA Bears Youth Wrestling Tournament.  21 wrestlers competed in the tournament and came away with nine individual first places, five individual second places, and seven individual third places.  The Norwich wrestlers also ended up winning the overall team championship.    

The coaches, wrestlers, and parents would like to thank the City of Norwich Youth Bureau for their continued support of this program.

The wrestlers are looking forward to competing in more youth tournaments taking place throughout the next few weeks.

-Information submitted by the Norwich Pee-Wee Wrestling Program


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