Roach sworn in as NPD chief

City of Norwich Mayor Brian Doliver swearing in Norwich Police Department Chief Reuben Roach at Tuesday's joint committee meeting. Roach began his law enforcement career in 2003 as a road patrol deputy with the Chenango County Sheriff's Department, and then transferred to the NPD in 2005. In his time at the NPD, Roach held the ranks of patrol officer, sergeant, and detective sergeant. (Photo by Sarah Genter)

NORWICH — Newly-appointed Norwich Police Department Chief Reuben Roach was sworn in by City of Norwich Mayor Brian Doliver during Tuesday's joint committee meeting.

"I, Reuben Roach, do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same," Roach recited. "I will faithfully discharge the duties of police chief to the best of my ability."

He is taking on the role of chief after a 19-year career in law enforcement, rising through the ranks as a patrol officer, sergeant, and detective sergeant.

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Throughout his years at the NPD, Roach also expanded his knowledge of law enforcement practices through several trainings, including advanced child forensic interviewing, hostage negotiation, drug recognition, forensic handwriting, and more.


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