Chenango County Sheriff's Office marks 225 years by swearing in new deputies

Chenango County Undersheriff Joshua J. Gould, Recruit Deputy Tyler White, Recruit Deputy Jenna Nordberg and Sheriff Ernest R. Cutting Jr. stand in front of Lady Justice at the Chenango County Board of Supervisors meeting room. (Photo by Tyler Murphy)

NORWICH – The Chenango County Sheriff's Office marked its 225th anniversary on Wednesday, March 22, by welcoming two new recruits at an afternoon ceremony.

“We're happy to introduce our new recruits. Significantly today, is the 225th year of the Sheriff's Office being in Chenango County,” said Chenango County Sheriff Ernest R. Cutting Jr.

Chenango County Sheriff Deputy Jenna Nordberg and Chenango County Sheriff Deputy Tyler White will now join the force.

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Sheriff Cutting, along with Undersheriff Joshua J. Gould and Lt. Dustin Smietana, welcomed the two recruits at the Chenango County Office Building. Nordberg and White added their signatures to the roster of all the prior officers who have taken the oath to serve in the last two and a quarter centuries.

The two new police officers bring the total number of sheriff's deputies and other officers to 19, filling all the available full-time law enforcement positions. There are still part-time job openings.

Nordberg said, “I was interested in healthcare before, and I love caring for people. On my first ride-along in Chenango County it was an absolute blast and I took right to it. I loved it. The energy about it - specifically in Chenango County, the second I walked in there they made me feel welcome.”

White said, “It's been an interest since I can remember, since I was little.”

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“The idea of the job is, like she said, helping people out, not doing the same thing day-in, day-out, not wanting to be stuck behind a desk. I've had nothing but positive interactions with people,” he said.

The candidates were selected after a long review process that includes finger prints, extended background checks, and interviews, along with mental health and physical requirements.

The new recruits will go to police academies in the Broome and Mohawk areas.

Cutting said the department was getting less candidates than it used to but said those who were applying seem to really want the job. He said the last several deputies the office has hired were doing very well.

Undersheriff Gould said he thought shifting cultural and public views of policing may be playing a role.

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“Sometimes you get a bad light, but there is light still coming through. It seems the people who really want to do it, and are in for the right reasons, are still coming through. The ones who are on the fence, they just don't apply anymore,” he said. “It's a two-edged sword. Instead of 50 to 100 candidates we are getting 30, but out of that we are getting some very excellent quality candidates,” said Gould.

“As deputy sheriff you serve as a role model in society, and that is what we expect and the kind of people we work with,” said Lt. Smietana.

“The public perception has high expectations for us, it has always been the case,” said Cutting. He cited a recent public survey by his office and said most people in the area were happy with their local police.

“There were many people in the county who had many positives things to say about the job we do. They want us here and they care about public safety. They want police to do the job right and for them to do the right thing,” said Cutting.


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