The Village of New Berlin prepares for Earth Day celebration

The Village of New Berlin is preparing to celebrate Earth Day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 22 in and around the village with a variety of educational, recycling and clean up events scheduled. (Photo by Mayor Pete Lennon)

NEW BERLIN — The New Berlin Community Events Committee is preparing to celebrate Earth Day on Saturday April 22 from 9 a.m to 2 p.m. with a variety of educational, recycling and clean up events throughout the village.

New Berlin Mayor Peter Lennon said, “The Village's ‘Get Ready for Spring’ clean-up will be conducted by teams of volunteers from the village and its corporate partners. Volunteers will meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Chobani Center and be dispatched to prepare Village-owned properties for spring planting.”

Village owned properties include ‘The Village’ signage, the gazebo in Hyde Park, and some of the Village's freshly refurbished New York State historic marker sites of which spring and summer-blooming perennials will be planted.

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“Numerous local environmental organizations and environmentally-friendly vendors are scheduled to offer informative, educational and fun activities for all ages at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. located at the Villages new Chobani Center on South Main Street,” said Lennon.

A document shredding truck will be located in front of the old firehouse and disposing of any unwanted papers from 9 to 11 a.m. Documents will be handled and shredded in a secure, environmentally-friendly manner. Across from School Street, residents can dispose of products such as tires, small wood and metal items, small appliances, and old cans of dry paint, etc.

“PJ Powerwash, LLC from Oneonta, is lined up to freshen up four to five local area home frontages, both light yard clean up assistance and power washing are free activities and will be done on a first come first serve basis,” he added.

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Lennon explained that a small stockage of rakes and light yard tools will be available for loan, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own and depending on how many volunteer teams show up, the village may be able to provide light yard cleanup assistance to approximately four to five local residents.

Light snacks will be provided to all volunteers.

The first week of May, The Department of Environmental Conservation, in coordination with the Unadilla Valley Central School will provide a mix of trees and shrubs to complete the planting of prepared sites.

Committee members involved in Earth Day preparations are Sarah and Patrick Wright, Megan Brennan, Maryellen Canuel, Jamie Elizabeth Barnes, and Kelly Banks.

Mayor Peter Lennon said, “This is a great way to show our respect for the environment and celebrate the beautiful area we proudly call Home. Yes, In New Berlin!”


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