Every Saturday is Dairy Day at the Oxford Farmers’ Market

The Oxford Farmers’ Market is celebrating Chenango County Dairy Day and reminding people local dairy product cans be found at the market every Saturday. (Submitted photo)

OXFORD –The Oxford Farmers’ Market is celebrating Chenango County Dairy Day this Saturday with its continued commitment to being a  weekly source for delicious local cheeses, yogurts, butter and creams, from Evans Creamery, Kriemhild Dairy Farm, Windy Hill Dairy, and Snow Farm Creamery, along with so many other local agricultural products. In fact, you’ll never find a food product at the Market that isn’t locally grown or locally produced. At the Oxford Farmers’ Market, every Saturday is a celebration of local agriculture, 9 am to noon this Saturday on Lafayette Park. 

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In addition to dairy products, dozens of  vendors will be offering plant starts of all kinds, just-picked seasonal veggies and mushrooms; eggs of all kinds; locally raised and processed lamb and pork; artisanal baked goods, fudges, and jams; hot and iced coffees; local hard ciders; maple syrup and honey; hand-made soaps, lotions and balms; lovely-made treats for dogs, exquisitely hand-crafted items for the kitchen and home; and artisan fiber products from local producers. Every product straight from a local  source and the skilled hands of your neighbors.

For more information about the Oxford Farmers’ Market, and to sign up for their weekly newsletter, visit their website:  www.oxfordfarmersmarket.org.

– Information from the Oxford Farmers’ Market


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