Norwich Dance Club returns with twice-monthly classes
Join the Norwich Dance Club for free adult dance classes at 6 p.m. on every second and fourth Wednesday of the month in the Guernsey Memorial Library Community Room. (Photo from the Norwich Dance Club Facebook page)
NORWICH — The Norwich Dance Club is returning after a four-year hiatus with free dance classes on every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Guernsey Memorial Library Community Room.
The Norwich Dance Club is a nonprofit group originally formed in 2007 by local dancer Martha Ryan, and held dance classes nearly every day of the week in the "Renaissance Building" in downtown Norwich. Unfortunately, due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the group could no longer meet.
Now, the club is back and getting ready to begin hosting classes at Guernsey. The hour-long classes are open to adults of all ages, with the first one scheduled for Wednesday, January 8.
"Every month we pick a dance theme, because it's also meant to be a cultural experience," Ryan explained. "So every month we pick one dance and we talk about the origin of the dance, some of the stories of how the dance started, and then we practice some steps, and we add them to the group of steps and dances we do every month."
Individuals who attend the classes should bring water bottles and wear comfortable clothing and either ballet or dance shoes. Ryan said open-toed sandals and sneakers will not be allowed, as they increase the risk of falls and injury while dancing.
She said the class is suitable for beginners as it involves simple steps and movements, and their focus is not on being perfect dancers, but having fun while staying active.