Bingocize class to start at Oxford Library in April
Trained staff members teach participants muscle strengthening, balance, and endurance in between fun bingo games. The Bingocize program started at the Brightman Senior Center in Greene in 2023. (Submitted photo)
OXFORD - The Chenango County Area Agency on Aging and the County Health Department will offer a new Bingocize class at the Oxford Library, beginning with an orientation session at 10 a.m. on April 4 and continuing every Wednesday and Friday after that, April 9 to June 13, from 10 to 11 a.m.
Bingocize is a 10-week, no-cost health promotion program that combines the game of Bingo with fall-prevention exercises, seated or standing. Come play Bingo and meet new people while learning about techniques to reduce falls and increase cognition.
Bingocize is a fun exercise for mind, body, and spirit.
The class will fill up quickly, so save your place before April 4 by calling the Chenango County Area Agency on Aging at (607) 337-1770 or the Chenango County Health Department at (607) 337-1660.
-Information from the Oxford Library