Tuesday, February 11th, 2025    02/11/25

Tom Morgan 's Stories

Banana Republic Budgeting

Suppose you were required by law to do a certain thing. I guess that is the case. The law requires ..

Picking green losers

These are not the best of times for supporters of green energy. First, politicians and bureaucrats poured billions of our tax ..

To me it looks like fraud

Maybe you will see this differently. To me it looks like fraud. Thirty-four states have passed laws (or are trying to) ..

Witnessing the future

We are witnessing something of great significance. In Iran. I know, I know, enough of Iran already. But this is worth ..

Such a curious time

Such a curious time this is. It is a time of treading water for so many of us. Millions who toss ..

The Campaign

You are about to enter the “Jus’ Us Folks” zone.  That is, the silly season in American politics.  The campaign. ..

They are your friends

If you live in an earthquake zone, small earthquakes are your friends. If you live in a healthy society and ..

Brewin’ For A Boomin’

Is the stock market brewin’ for a boomin’? Earlier I wrote about how similar this period is to the 1970’s and ..

Skeletons in the closet

The kafuffle over Herman Cain and women is another example of a blood rule of American politics: If you have ..

The Carter Years

This period is identical in so many ways to the Carter years in the White House. Americans were down on America ..

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