Saturday, February 8th, 2025    02/08/25

Tom Morgan 's Stories

To level the playing field

Here are a few embarrassing questions for many of us: What are taxes for? Why do we tax anybody? These embarrass ..

The Marauder Bowl

There may be money in this for you. You see, our president has just reversed U.S. policy.  He now says the ..

'Tis the season

‘Tis the season for recognizing people for their kindness. You surely have seen and heard reports of many. Someone dropped ..

The age of fairy tales

The age of fairy tales has not passed. Indeed, historians may someday call these the Alice in Wonderland years. They ..

One sentence

If educators allowed me to add one sentence to school textbooks I would add one about jobs. Whenever the text ..

They are not the same

Here is a reminder of something we often forget. I offer it because I tire of lazy journalists who say and ..

Entering Ho-Hum Land again

Are we entering Ho-Hum Land again? The President’s Debt Commission has begun to list the areas where we can cut Washington’s ..

Thanks for our Constitution

Like yours, my Thanksgiving thoughts usually drift toward family, friends, good health. This year, however, I express thanks to our ..

The Great Unwashed

‘Tis the hunting season for The Great Unwashed. Those who caustic writer H.L. Mencken called the “booboisee.” In other words, ..

Are we getting carried away?

Are we maybe getting carried away? When it comes to our president visiting another country? An official in the Indian government said ..

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‘Tis A Mystery To Me
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Presented With A Quandary
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Hail The Conquering Cheater!
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They Set It Up That Way
They set it up that way

So, Where Is The Criticism?
So, where is the criticism?

Creeping Toward Your Money
Creeping toward your money

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