Thursday, January 30th, 2025    01/30/25

Tom Morgan 's Stories

Experienced, gutsy Americans

Did you read Jesse Jackson’s accusation that Barack Obama is “acting white”? He made this slur while championing the cause ..

Are they sincere?

Are they sincere? Or are they merely political? I ask that question whenever some group organizes big time protests. For instance, I ..

Bottled water Nirvana

The latest news about bottled water reminds me of something we ought to remember from time to time. Americans know ..

Help usually hurts

There is something fascinating going on in Africa that strikes close to home. James Shikwati, a Kenyan economist, is making headway ..

Bundles of cash in his freezer

Why is it we hate Congress? Polls tell us we like it as much as oil spills and leprosy. Only ..

Revoltin’ development

As comedian Jimmy Durante used to say “Wot a revoltin’ development dis is!” The greens and lots of others call for ..

There are none so blind

I doubt whether many of the people who lived in various “golden ages” realized what was going on. I doubt ..

The Annual Head in the Sand Award

Our politicians are showing they know less about economics than kids who run a lemonade stand. If you tell the kids ..

Why do you suppose this is?

When Americans are asked whether they are doing all right financially, they answer yes. Huge majorities answer yes. There have ..

There is no joy in Metville

What ever happened to baseball? Took in a ball game in Binghamton, N.Y. a few weeks ago. And nearly fell asleep. ..

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Lowering the bar

Buckle Up!
Buckle Up!


A Gusher Of Money
A gusher of money

Off With His Head!
Off With His Head!

Interesting Timing
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This Is For Real
This is for real

Higher Minimum Wage Isn’t Answer
Higher minimum wage isn’t answer

How Are Things Looking?
How are things looking?

Minority Rule
Minority rule

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