Thursday, February 6th, 2025    02/06/25

Jim Mullen 's Stories

Spoiler alert! Stop reading now!

Don't read any further if you plan to go to a movie this summer. I'm going to give away the ..

One man’s trash is another man’s garbage

Have you ever thrown something out, like a Rembrandt etching or an old Tiffany lamp, only to find out later ..

You've wrecked my life

I don't know what my parents were thinking, sticking me with a weird name like Jim. Why couldn't they have ..

Psst! Wanna know a secret?

"I can't believe the government is invading my privacy! We might as well be living in Russia!" said the guy ..

Taste never takes a vacation

Why do so many people think that the arrival of summer means it's time to pack away all the clothes ..

Computer talk is cheap

The phone hadn't rung all day, which was a blessing because we'd been catching up on a thousand and one ..

Please, invade my privacy

A world-famous entertainer announced that she and her boyfriend were splitting up in one of the saddest tweets I've ever ..

TV or not TV

Remember when TV used to sign off for the night? No infomercials, no reruns, no experimental public-access foolishness -- nothing ..

Plan the marriage, not the wedding

"I got an email today," Mel told me. "Chardonnay and Jackson are splitting up. They only got married four months ..

You are what you plant

We have a big garden. A huge garden. I only wish that it was outside the house. And in a ..

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Jotting down the Un-Bucket List

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When restrooms attack (if available at all)

What Happens When I Forget Where Google Is?
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Vegetables Are The New Meat
Vegetables are the new meat

Don't Be The Turkey This Thanksgiving
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Brother, Can You Spare A Couple Million?
Brother, can you spare a couple million?

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2011 Predictions: Nostradamus was a hack

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