Friday, February 7th, 2025    02/07/25

Jim Mullen 's Stories

The gift of nothing is the biggest gift of all

For once, I have finished my Christmas shopping early. I just went over my list to make sure that I ..

Vegetables are the new meat

I used to hate Brussels sprouts. The only way I had ever had them was boiled, and they were smelly ..

Traveling is just plane gross

It’s been 10 days since I was last on a plane. I still have the remnants of a hacking cough, ..

And this little piggy came home

“How can someone forget that they bought a pig!?” I have to say, on reflection, that my wife had a ..

Money never sleeps, but it does pass out

Where did all the money go that we used to spend developing vacation pictures? Not that I can afford a ..

Snooki: You have to work to be a celebrity

Hi, this is Snooki from “Jersey Shore,” and this is the first book I’ve ever written. And when I finish ..

Stalking your college kid won’t change a thing

Many colleges are complaining about a new problem: parents who refuse to leave after the students have moved in. There ..

Putting my life in ‘Jeopardy’

We were eating the last of this year’s fresh corn for dinner while watching “Jeopardy” recently. Writing questions for “Jeopardy” ..

Mo’ government, mo’ problems

For years, federal, state and local governments have been passing crazy regulations that drive up the cost of doing business, ..

Kiss of the vamp ire

Two 16-year-olds were talking about how much they were enjoying the third season of “True Blood.” I’d heard about HBO’s ..

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I Tweet, Therefore I Yammer
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‘Reservation For Two, Name’s Fido’
‘Reservation for two, name’s Fido’

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