Friday, February 7th, 2025    02/07/25

Jim Mullen 's Stories

Downsizing the Oscars

I’ve been watching the Academy Awards since Bob Hope was a baby. Back then, they didn’t have a different host ..

Number crunching

FIVE. To save a few billion a year, the Post Office is thinking of cutting mail service down from six ..

The real rat pack

Years ago, David Letterman was doing his show from Las Vegas for a week, and, as he walked out of ..

The unspeakable luxury of the Park-O-Matic

Here at Bailout Motors, we spend millions of dollars each year on market research to find out what the auto-buying ..

Fading memories of 2008

My memory is going. I’m still writing 2008 on my checks. Worse, I’m still writing checks, while everyone else is ..

Gross-ery shopping

There was a story on the news the other night about some grocery stores installing mini car washes to ..

Gross-ery shopping

There was a story on the news the other night about some grocery stores installing mini car washes to wash ..

That’s not a mint on your pillow

If you haven’t booked a hotel room online yet, you’re in for a treat. Sue and I needed to stay ..

Santa don’t gift jobs, little buddy

You ever wonder what I do the 364 days between Christmas Eves when I’m not delivering toys? Mostly, I try ..

The children of Depression 2.0

My Dad never lost an opportunity to tell us how hard he had it during the Depression. While he never ..

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