Thursday, February 6th, 2025    02/06/25

Jim Mullen 's Stories

One man’s garbage is another man’s trash

“Do you have any idea what this $10 bill is worth?” “I have no idea. We never had it appraised. My ..

You’re damaging your brain with practical skills

Dad is typing away furiously at the computer, sweat glistening off his forehead. He is trying to make a Web ..

No shirt, no shoes, no thanks

I saw the first sign of summer today – an overweight man without a shirt on a riding mower. We ..

Don’t like the heat? Get off the planet

I complained about the cold all winter long, now I’m complaining about the heat. Isn’t there some place on this ..

Celebrities should buy magazines featuring my baby pictures

A steaming-hot celebrity couple just had a baby! Wow! What incredible people they must be. Not only can they act, ..

When restrooms attack (if available at all)

I love watching the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, the Science Channel and the Travel Channel. Twenty-four hours a day, ..

Giving back to a school that gave me so little

I just got an invitation to my high school class reunion that give me the impression the reunion would be ..

Lose money at home in your spare time!

There is only one basic rule to follow if you want to lose your shirt in the stock market: Buy ..

What does $5,500 a night get you?

I just got back from a 50-year-long vacation on the dark side of the moon, and was shocked to find ..

Friend finds duffer dating way under par

Monica hated her duffer ex-husband so much that when she felt it was time to start over, she made it ..

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Shoes wisely, grasshopper

Tarmac Timeshare
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College Loans And Job-search Groans
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Please, Take My Identity
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The Yellow Badge Of Cowardice
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‘Leaf’ The Sight-seeing To The Tourists
‘Leaf’ the sight-seeing to the tourists

Taking In A Matinee At 7-Eleven
Taking in a matinee at 7-Eleven

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