"Norwiches" gather here Monday
NORWICH – This coming Monday, the City of Norwich, the Towns of Norwich and North Nowich will host visitors from England, Tasmania and The South Sea. The visitors are part of the 2006 Norfolk and Norwich World Family Gathering. This organization is devoted to finding and visiting every Norwich and Norfolk in the world.
In 1991, Derek Bigford-Smith began searching and visiting communities through out the world with the names Norfolk or Norwich. He made his way to our Norwich in 1993 and was welcomed by the community. In 1996 an organized meeting of 28 of these communities gathered in Norwich City, England for a “reunion.” Since 1996 it has become an annual event, hosted in turn by a different Norwich or Norfolk in a different country each year.
“The first reunion of this ‘world family’ was in 1996, held in Norwich City, England ... and Marge and Jerry Chomyszak from our City of Norwich attended this event,” said North Norwich Town Historian Jan Decker. The 14 people stopping here Monday are part of a group coming from Canada, heading to New York City.