Being mean for money
I’ve always considered myself to be a fairly nice person. I’m always worried about hurting people’s feelings and coming off as insensitive, but today I heard news that may make me want to change my ways.
Apparently, you can make a lot more money being a jerk than you can by being considerate. This morning I heard news that the creators of Comedy Central’s hit cartoon “South Park” landed a deal for three more seasons of the show, and will be receiving $75 million for their efforts, which is pretty impressive since it looks like the entire show is constructed on colorful pieces of construction paper and could be made for about $3.50.
I’ll admit, I’ve been a fan of “South Park” for some time. (Although, even I find some episodes horribly inappropriate.) It’s a guilty pleasure. The foul mouthed eight-year-old characters are always finding themselves in some kind of horrible situation, that sometimes alludes to the ridiculous nature of world or political events, and in the end they learn an important lesson.