Shayne on You: Wedded bliss or Highway to Hell?
Editor’s Note: Chenango County’s favorite best-selling author Maggie Shayne has joined the ranks of Evening Sun contributors with an advice column that’s just a tad different than ‘Dear Abby.’
Whether it’s relationshipguidance, tips on modern romance or just throwing her two cents in, Maggie’s got an answer for everything in “Shayne on You.”
Dear Maggie,
After five years my boyfriend asked me to marry him. I was so excited I started planning the wedding two months after the proposal. Everything is in order, although some people aren’t doing what I hoped. The woman performing the ceremony hasn’t given me the information I need, the last minute plans are stressing me, and though I want my fiancé to have a say in the plans, to date he has made only one decision; that ACDC’s Highway to Hell will be our wedding song. I’m not the love-song type, but for a wedding!? Maybe we should just elope. Should I ask him to change it, or just be happy we are getting married at all?
Stressed Out Bride-to-be
Dear Bride-to-Be,
“The Woman” performing your ceremony got off her duff and sent you the info, so there’s one problem solved. She’s done a lot of weddings now, and she promises it’ll all go beautifully. ?