Freedom House or U.N.
Great idea from Investor’s Business Daily: Get out of the UN.
This is not the first time serious people have made that suggestion. Congress even has a few bills stuffed into the deepest reaches of its closets - bills that suggest we abandon the UN.
The politicians don’t get much pressure from voters to dig out those bills and vote on them. That is a pity.
The reasons we should dump the UN are many. And they are simple. The UN is corrupt. As rotten as an August melon in September.
The UN is filled with thieves. They skim tens of millions of dollars off various agency budgets. They extort millions from suppliers. They welcome bribes. They ran perhaps the biggest scam ever, the Oil For Food program. The money they stole was supposed to feed children.
That corruption is in the money department. In the morality department the UN is depraved. It fails to supervise the soldiers under its flag. And so they create prostitution rings among the women they are supposed to protect. They rape young girls. And the UN does virtually nothing to punish them or change their activities.
The UN turned its back on the genocides in Rwanda and Darfur. As a body it is beneath contempt. Under its banners it has allowed: Rape. Murder. Billions in fraud and embezzelement on a global scale. Money laundering.