BID holds Cruise-In and Main Street Sweep Friday

NORWICH – The Norwich Business Improvement District is jumping into spring with two events this week that they hope will clean up downtown and bring people from all over the county to downtown Norwich.

In an effort to clean up the downtown area before the start of the busy summer season, the BID will hold the Main Street Sweep beginning at 9 a.m. on Friday. Volunteers who want to help clean up the downtown area are welcome to meet at The Dollar Tree parking lot and be prepared for a morning of hosing down sidewalks, washing windows for some of the merchants, weeding the curb area and picking up the trash that has accumulated during the cold winter months.

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“All volunteers are encouraged to come and help out,” LoPresti said. The project usually lasts until noon or slightly later. The group tries to clean as much as they can on the Broad and Main street corridors. Any individual or civic group is welcome to attend.

This year, the Main Street Sweep will be held just a few hours before the annual Classic Car Cruise-In. LoPresti explained that the BID decided it would be a good idea to get the streets of Norwich cleaned up before downtown fills up with people during the Memorial Day weekend activities.


The Evening Sun

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