City code enforcers start bicycle patrols
NORWICH – With gas prices continually rising and no end in sight, the City of Norwich is attempting to cut its fuel bill by using alternate means of transportation. Taking steps similar to those taken by the Norwich police, the city codes department will begin using bicycles to travel.
On Monday, the codes department purchased one bicycle that will be used by Ordinance Inspection Officer Dale Smith to patrol the city for daily code violations and to travel to make regular ordinance and safety inspections. Code Enforcement Officer Jason Lawrence will be using his own bicycle, he said, in order to save additional gas money.
“We hope to keep the one car parked at all times,” Lawrence said. The Code Enforcement Officer said as gas prices continue to rise, he expects more people to begin bicycling to their destinations. “The police department is doing bicycle patrols too. We want to try to keep gas expenses as low as last year.”