Greene plans Halloween dance
GREENE – The Village of Greene will host their 22nd Annual Halloween Dance on October 31. This year, organizers have decided to combine the event with a canned food drive to benefit the Greene Food Pantry.
The dance will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Halloween night at Greene Central High School. Admission for the event, which is open only to Greene students in grades 6 through 12, is $3 per person. Students can get $1 off admission by bringing two canned food items.
As an added incentive to bring the non-perishable items in lieu of paying full price, Mayor Marcia Miller has issued a challenge to Greene’s middle and high school students. If the dance-goers can fill up the back of her Ford Explorer with cans of food, one of them will have the chance to be Mayor for a Day. The lucky winner will be selected by a drawing.
“I hope they all bring food,” said Miller, who is looking forward to having a student tag around with her for a day.
Once inside, students will have an opportunity to win door-prizes donated by local merchants, gathered for the occasion by the Greater Greene Chamber of Commerce. Costume contests, a putting green and a variety of other activities will also be available.
While students are encouraged to come in costume, organizers warn that those with outfits deemed inappropriate will be asked to change.