The political process
For the past six months, people have been talking non-stop about this year’s presidential race. Since the primary season, and even for several months before it, you couldn’t turn on a television, open a newspaper, on log onto the web without seeing some bit of information on one or all of the candidates.
It seems like this year’s election was longer and more drawn out than the rest of those that I remember. Maybe I wasn’t paying as much attention to the Bush elections or maybe it is the rash of media attention that has accompanied this “historic” race, but either way I feel I’ve been inundated with political information over the last few months.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this political season. Watching the debates, arguing for and against a candidate and analyzing the messages that the politicians are trying to send has been a fun pass time for me, but with only one more week to go until the election, I think a lot of people may be getting tired of hearing the same things over and over again.