Living off the land is still a partial option

We've all heard the term "living off the land," and for many it translates to people who are more self-reliant and depend less on store-bought foods or foods otherwise provided by third parties. In realty today, few of us truly qualify for that description. But for some, being able to supplement some of their food needs without the help of third parties sparks an ingrained sense and satisfaction of pioneer independence.

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For those with sufficient acreage, planting and harvesting a vegetable garden annually is the answer, but the renewable bounty that nature offers can go far beyond that for those willing to put forth the time and effort to do it. However, I think the two biggest hurdles today are those factors plus a growing lack of knowledge of the where and how to harvest what nature offers.

Hunting and fishing are more often thought of as being recreational activities, but they are also another method that offers us an added opportunity at self-reliance. If you look at the prices charged for fish and meats at the super market, supplementing them with fish and game harvested locally from nature makes not only economic sense but also provides healthy food – probably healthier for us than the domestic or processed foods we buy.


The Evening Sun

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