The “P” Word
I tend to check out our online version of ‘30 Seconds’ a few times throughout the day. OK, so maybe it’s more of a compulsion. I’d like to say my sole purpose is to get a feel for what news topics are sparking controversy in and around our community. But if I’m honest, I read it purely for entertainment.
Sometimes there is some interesting commentary, but I can’t say all that many of the items posted are of the truly thought-provoking variety. (No offense!)
There was, however, a notable exception earlier this week. It read: “If today were your last day on earth, what would you regret most?”
Normally, this might take some careful thought on my part and an intricate rating scale. (After 33 and a half years, I have quite a list.) But not this week. I can say with a high degree of certainty that my biggest regret this week is procrastination.
I’ve always had that tendency to put off that which I don’t absolutely have to do today, but for the most part I keep it well under wraps. Unfortunately, I haven’t done a good job keeping it in check the last couple of weeks and now it’s biting me on the you-know-where.