“Rays of Hope” hold spaghetti dinner Saturday
NORWICH – Raising money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life is a year-round effort for members of the Rays of Hope Team of Norwich. Team members sell Gertrude Hawk Candy Bars, Home and Garden Party Candles and Relay for Life luminaries. They host a Pancake Breakfast at the Oxford American Legion and a country jamboree with dancing, a bake sale, hot food and drinks. Their BBQ chicken and pulled pork dinners at the July Relay for Life event have been very popular with the participating teams. Through these events the team raised $12,000.00 in 2008.
“The community has been very supportive,” said Betty Christian, the team captain. “We are grateful to everyone who supports our fundraisers all year. They support the team’s events because they want to support not just our team, but the cause. Chances are that each of us or someone we love has been touched by cancer.” continued Christian. “We have several people on the team who are cancer survivors.”