Healthcare reform talk tonight

NORWICH – Norwich Doctor Tom Holmes will lead off a community discussion of the current  healthcare reform options and the need for a “Medicare for All” system at a free event at the Guernsey Memorial Library tonight from 6 to 8:30 p.m.  Following the presentation by Dr. Holmes, there will be a structured discussion about the different healthcare reform options and what they cost. 

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“Both political parties have presented half-hearted attempts to tinker with the current health insurance system to try to provide some political advantage, but neither party has presented an affordable, cost-effective plan that will include every American in a single national insurance pool,” said Dr. Holmes. “When our people daily see that the government is willing to spend nearly unlimited amounts of taxpayer dollars to bail out huge corporations and nationalize others, it no longer means much to say that our government cannot afford to care for the health of our citizens.  Now is precisely the right time to promote a truly national healthcare system that will include all Americans, one that is comprehensive, responsive to individual needs, and cost-efficient – Medicare For All.”


The Evening Sun

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