American Legion announces Memorial Day plans
NORWICH – Commander Laurel Alksnis of the Lt. Warren E. Eaton, DSC, American Legion Post 180 in Norwich has announced the Memorial Day events planned for Monday, May 25 to honor veterans of all wars, including the victims of September 22, 2001, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, POWs, MIAs and active military personnel worldwide.
From 9:30 to 9:45 a.m., participants in the Memorial Day parade will line up at the VFW, located at 61 East Main Street in Norwich. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and proceed up East and West Main Streets to the West Side Park, where ceremonies will continue in front of the WWII Monument.
Master of ceremonies Frank Revoir, Past Commander of American Legion Post 189, will introduce this year’s guest speaker, Colonel Edward B. Downey (USAR), 98th Training Division (IET), Rochester. He is presently serving as Assistant Staff Judge Advocate, Special Projects Officer. In addition, Col. Downey is a self-employed attorney, practicing under the Law Offices of Edward B. Downey, with offices located in Albany and Norwich, providing services in the general practice of law.