County Office Building roof has little asbestos to remove
NORWICH – Buildings and grounds decision makers were relieved to learn last week that only a small quantity of asbestos was discovered in the Chenango County Office Building’s leaky roof.
The roof, dating from the early 1960s and covered again in the mid 1990s, needs to be replaced due to moisture problems. Workers who were patching leaks above the court services’ wing in April found extensive water saturation all the way down to the steel support structure.
The prospect of affording an unplanned replacement, coupled with an expensive asbestos problem, left lawmakers very concerned. Members of the Finance Committee calculated a ballpark figure of $300,000 for a new roof and another $300,000 for abatement.
Public Facilities Superintendent Julie Gates said while recent testing is still incomplete, the hazardous substance was found only in the roof’s flashing, not in the decking.
“We’re not positive of the extent of what’s in the flashing, but it’s a good thing that there was no asbestos in the decking,” she said.