Time is now for real reform
Recent events in Albany have sparked a new day of reform that will mean a great deal for the residents of New York state. The changes came amidst a dramatic, historic week at the Capitol, and the results will mean a more open, transparent government that will provide equitable representation for all New Yorkers.
There were many reasons this change took place, most of them revolve around broken promises by those who took power earlier this year. Empty proclamations calling for a more open budget process, greater use of conference committees and fiscal restraint were made by the political bosses. But in reality we watched as the budget was formulated in secret by three New York City officials, bipartisan conference committees were completely eliminated and a state budget that increases spending by 9 times the rate of inflation was approved.
Among the greatest accomplishments touted by the Democratic leadership – the bottle bill and new drug laws. Both of these items were hidden in the state budget and have left the state facing some serious problems. A judge’s order has put off the implementation of the bottle bill, leaving a $115 million hole in the state’s financial plan. The drug law changes include a dangerous provision which will allow felony drug offenders to have their records sealed, hiding their criminal past from potential employers. This means they can wind up working in schools, day care centers and nursing homes, placing our most vulnerable citizens at risk.