YMCA’s Kids’ Club needs more participants
NORWICH – Currently in its third week, the YMCA’s summer pre-school program, Kids’ Club, is still accepting more children for the fun-filled, half day program.
According to instructor Kendall Johnson, the class has seen an average of five to seven children in the first weeks; however, they have the capacity to take up to 16 children.
Every day, Johnson and teaching assistant Nicole Wood prepare different activities for the children based around a weekly theme. This week, Johnson said, the theme is the ocean. Among the activities planned for the week, the children took a field trip to The Fish Bowl, went fishing using the water table in the pre-school class room and, on Wednesday, they enjoyed a water carnival in the YMCA’s community room.
The students who attended the program on Wednesday had the chance to play carnival style games, centered around an ocean theme. The carnival included games, like a duck pond, a bean bag toss and a knock down the fish activity. With the help of some community volunteers, students participated in the games for the chance to win ocean themed stickers.
While the program offers some structured activities, Johnson said a lot of the class is kid-directed. “We try to have activities that all the kids can enjoy doing,” Johnson said. “If they ask for something, we try to incorporate that into our day.”