New year, new union heads at Norwich City Schools
NORWICH – As Norwich prepares to usher in the start of yet another school year, changes will no doubt be in store for the organizations which represent the district’s teachers and support staff.
At a meeting of the Norwich City School District Board of Education last week, it was announced that both the Norwich Educators Organization and the Norwich Educational Support Staff Association will begin the coming year with new presidents at their respective helms.
For the NEO, the change was prompted by the news that Dr. Bruce Race, who headed the union throughout the last round of contract negotiations, was leaving Norwich for a position in another district. High School Librarian Erika Kwasnik, who worked under Race as the organization’s first vice president, stepped up to fill the vacancy.
“I’m excited about moving the union forward in a positive direction,” said Kwasnik, a nine and a half year veteran of the district.
One of her goals, she explained, is to improve the public image of the NEO, which she believes has become tarnished of late. Kwasnik said her plan is to both highlight the contributions teachers are already making to the community, as well as undertaking new initiatives which she hopes will communicate how much Norwich teachers truly care about kids, the district and the community as a whole.
“There are a lot of us that are committed to making Norwich better,” she said.