Shayne on You: Make the time to find your own joy
Dear Maggie,
I really need some “me-time.” I have kids, a job, and a house to keep up, and it seems like there’s just not enough of me to go around. If there’s ever any free time from work or kids’ activities, I spend it checking in on my family. There’s never a time when my aging parents don’t need something from me. And I love them dearly and would never refuse to help them out.
But I feel like I’m starting to disappear in all of this. I can’t remember the last time I spent time alone, just doing something for me, something I really want to do. I don’t even know for sure what I would want to do if I did find the time.
Help me figure out how to get some free time in my life.
The Busy Woman
Dear Busy Woman,