Chenango United Way announces 2009 raffle winners
NORWICH – Monday, the Chenango United Way presented prizes to two lucky winners of its yearly raffle. Vicki Salamon of NBT received five $100 VISA gift cards, sponsored by Norwich Pharmaceuticals Inc., while Douglas Sutherland of Unison took home a 32” RCA high-def television and home theater system, sponsored by Preferred Mutual Insurance.
The prizes were awarded by Amber Harrison (Chenango United Way Co-Chairman/Norwich Pharmaceuticals), Brian Lopata (Chenango United Way Board of Directors/Preferred Mutual) and Elizabeth Monaco (Chenango United Way Executive Director/Chief Professional Officer).
“Participants of the raffle contributed a minimum of $1 per week ($52 per year) to this year’s Chenango United Way,” said Monaco. “We drew the two winners from 1,163 eligible contributors.”
Sutherland, who has donated to the Chenango United Way for the last 20 years, said he has no plans to “re-gift” the new television, and found it humorous that he and his wife had recently discussed purchasing one. “I look forward to watching some football and racing,” said Sutherland. “I’d just like to say thank you to Preferred Mutual and the United Way.”